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Oct 15, 2022
In environment.
"The only difference between a flower and a weed is judgement." So much of life and our planet was drastically affected by the invention of suburbia. Sure there is the heavy reliance on cars, redlining, and deinvestment of cities, but what brings me here is the lawn. What is the purpose of a lawn! No one enjoys the chore of mowing the lawn. As global warming increases the frequency of droughts, lawns are also a waste of water. However, it is the pursuit of the pristine green lawn that has robbed us of plant biodiversity in our neighborhoods. Only valuing grass around homes has led to a misunderstanding of the other plants. This is where the reliance of chemical weed killer is introduced into our water supply. People think seeing a dandelion is a bad thing when in fact dandelions appear to support the land. Dandelion roots can loosen soil that is too compact or hard. It can also improve soil that is too acidic or needs more calcium. Dandelions are meant to support your land, not harm it! Growing my indoor garden has led to a curiosity about what grows outside and there is so much to learn.
Flower Power content media
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Sep 30, 2022
In environment.
I don’t believe anyone truly has a black thumb since most of the time your green thumb is something that develops. For every skill, there are naturals and then there are people that train to be able to be good at that activity. The individual only knows the difference, from the outside looking in, you are just good. As an avid plant collector, my favorite plants as an intro to plant parenthood are pothos and philodendron. These are both vine plants that will wilt when they are thirsty and will get yellowing leaves when they are overwatered. If they don’t get enough light they grow slowly. If they have been growing well and suddenly start to show signs of slowing down, they are in need of fertilizer and/or a new pot. While Home Depot is the first place that comes to mind, I highly encourage visiting a local nursery for your first plant purchase. Plants are cared for tremendously better at nurseries than big box store. Nurseries also have a better variety to pick from. Plants in a home dramatically upgrades the atmosphere. Buy one and you will notice the difference.
Black Thumb content media
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Sep 16, 2022
In environment.
What’s your origin story? Have you ever thought about how a special characteristic came to be the thing people know about you? Before I became the plant lady, it was my mother that filled our home with plants. While living at home, I didn’t think much of it. I had failed attempts of keeping a plant alive in college, and was convinced I didn’t have her green thumb. It wasn’t until I moved into my first official adult apartment that I decided to try again. Well, I HAD to try again because my place just felt so…empty. At my request, I received the first plant I kept alive as a house warming gift. (It has been said that money trees should be gifted and not purchased on your own.) With caring for that one, I learned that I overwatered past plants. House plants are not outdoor plants, and can not handle the same frequent watering, since a rain cycle is processed much differently than water in a pot. I learned that the direction of the sun was especially important to specific plants. As I watched the money tree, Melly, sprout new stems and leaves, I was locked in with my new hobby. Now 6 years later, and my plant count is 73. Photo is of my mother’s current plant collection.
Planting Some Happiness content media


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